MB Prosperity
One Province. Four Pillars. The Manitoba Advantage.
MB Prosperity is the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce’s (MCC) policy framework. It aims to promote economic growth and resilience in Manitoba through forward-looking recommendations. To achieve genuine competitiveness with other Canadian jurisdictions, the provincial government must prioritize economic growth and competitiveness, especially as we recover from the global pandemic, navigate high inflation, and address unprecedented talent shortages. MB Prosperity outlines priorities to ensure sustainable economic growth and increased prosperity for the business community and all Manitobans, organized into four key pillars.
The Four Pillars
Pillar 1 | Strengthen Economic Competitiveness and Business Confidence
The sharp rise in global inflation has created significant uncertainty, making it difficult for consumers, businesses, and investors to predict costs. This instability hampers economic performance and has led to higher prices for groceries, fuel, and housing in Manitoba, especially affecting those on fixed incomes. To compete globally, our provincial government must create a climate that attracts new businesses, fosters investment, and supports the growth of existing businesses.
- Enhance Tax Competitiveness
- Focus on Sectors with Greatest Strategic Opportunity
- Ensure Equitable Access to Capital
- Improve Business Confidence
To review our full recommendations and strategies, download the complete report.
Pillar 2 | Attract and Retain Talent
Canada’s critical labour market shortages are creating uncertainty for businesses and workers. For Manitoba businesses, recruitment and retention are the greatest challenges, compounded by mismatched skills between workers and employer needs. This has forced many businesses to reduce operating capacity or delay expansions.
Access to skilled labour, credential recognition, and identifying future in-demand jobs are top concerns for business leaders. With a mobile workforce and nationwide labour shortages, a competitive economic landscape depends on our ability to retain and attract talent.
- Better Align Post-Secondary Education with Industry Needs
- Retain Youth Talent
- Leverage the Opportunity in Manitoba’s Indigenous Population
- Attract Talent Through Immigration and Improve Retention by Reducing Barriers
To review our full recommendations and strategies, download the complete report.
Pillar 3 | Facilitate Global Trade and Reduce Barriers
One of Manitoba’s greatest advantages is the diversity of its economy. In a time when global events and the transition to a lower carbon economy present both challenges and opportunities, Manitoba has what the world needs. Capitalizing on these opportunities, reducing barriers, investing strategically, and fully engaging with Indigenous communities will significantly impact the growth of Manitoba’s economy.
- Facilitate Global Trade Opportunities
- Remove Regulatory Burden
- Invest in Trade-Enabling Infrastructure
- Focus on Economic Reconciliation
To review our full recommendations and strategies, download the complete report.
Pillar 4 | Build Strong, Resilient, and Healthy Communities
One of Manitoba’s key advantages are its diverse, affordable, and growing communities, complementing a robust provincial economy. Over the past decade, communities like Steinbach, Winkler, Niverville, and Winnipeg have led in sustained population and economic growth. However, opportunities exist throughout the entire province. By focusing on the building blocks of strong communities, we can capitalize on these opportunities.
We can achieve this by addressing the healthcare and financial challenges local communities face. It is also critical for the provincial government to collaborate with municipalities to provide fair and predictable funding, ensuring local governments have the tools to attract and retain residents.
Our Recommendations
- Make Investments in Rural and Northern Healthcare
- Expand and Support Manitoba’s Early Childhood Education Workforce
- Prioritize Public Safety in Manitoba Municipalities
- Ensure Fair and Predictable Municipal Funding
To review our full recommendations and strategies, download the complete report.