Manitoba Business Outlook Survey

Manitoba Business Outlook Survey

The Manitoba Business Outlook Survey, conducted annually, aims to collect statistically reliable feedback from businesses across Manitoba. This valuable data helps shape policies and positions that the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce (MCC) advocates for on behalf of the business community at various government levels. The survey results inform our advocacy work and help us develop support mechanisms to foster a robust economic environment, grounded in a strong understanding of the state of business in the province.

Key Objectives of the Survey

  • Inform Policy Development: Gather critical data to influence local, provincial, and federal policies.
  • Advocate for Business Needs: Represent the interests and concerns of Manitoba businesses to government bodies.
  • Support Economic Growth: Identify and promote effective support systems for the business community.

Survey Reports

Explore our past and present surveys to understand the evolving business climate in Manitoba. Each report is available for download, providing detailed analysis and insights.

2023 Manitoba Business Outlook Survey

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2021 Manitoba Business Outlook Survey

2020 Manitoba Business Outlook Survey

2019 Manitoba Business Outlook Survey

2018 Manitoba Business Outlook Survey