Banner for Our Approach showing people collaborating at a table

Our Approach to Policy

At the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce (MCC), our approach to policy development and advocacy is methodical and collaborative, ensuring that the voices of our members are effectively represented. Our comprehensive process includes the following steps:

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1. Define the Issue

The first step in our policy development process is to identify the problem or opportunity that needs to be addressed. We outline the actions required by the government, ensuring that our focus is on relevant and impactful issues for the business community.

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2. Develop the Policy

Once an issue is identified, we prepare a summary of the issue. This summary includes:

  1. Background information to provide context.
  2. Target objectives that outline what we aim to achieve.
  3. Recommendations on how to reach these objectives.
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3. Submit for Review

Draft policies are then submitted to the Policy Committee. This committee reviews each policy to ensure it meets four key criteria:

  1. Relevance to the business community
  2. Clarity and feasibility of recommendations
  3. Alignment with MCC’s strategic priorities
  4. Potential for positive impact on Manitoba’s economy
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4. Policy Debate

After receiving approval from the Policy Committee, draft policies are introduced at the MCC Annual General Meeting (AGM). Here, they are opened for discussion and voting by our members, ensuring a democratic process and diverse input.

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5. Advocate

Once a policy is voted on and adopted, the MCC takes proactive steps to advocate for the policy. We host meetings and engage with government decision-makers to bring the policy to their attention and encourage action.

Key Strategic Issues

Our policy work focuses on several key strategic issues that are critical to Manitoba’s economic health and community well-being:

    • Finance and Taxation
    • Economic Development
    • Workforce
    • Natural Resources, Environment, and Energy
    • Investment and Trade
    • Indigenous Engagement and Economic Reconciliation
    • Health Care
    • Transportation and Infrastructure
    • Tourism, Arts, and Culture
    • Agriculture and Agri-Food

    For more information, please contact:
    Elisabeth Saftiuk, Vice President of Policy & Government Relations
    Email: [email protected]