Winnipeg Free Press publishes MCC op-ed on #7Pillars for Economic Growth

Aug 26, 2019

Economic growth affects all other election issues
By Chuck Davidson, MCC President & CEO

Read the complete article below, or click here to read the op-ed in the Winnipeg Free Press online.

In less than three weeks, Manitobans will head to the polls to elect the party they want to lead the province over the next four years.

Political parties are currently making promises in important areas such as health care, public safety, education, the environment, and child care. And while these are important areas of focus we would remind Manitobans and political parties that the only way we can pay for these important programs is by having a strong, growing economy.

Less than a year ago, the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce polled almost 500 business leaders from across the province in our 2018 Manitoba Business Outlook Survey to take the pulse of the business community.

At the time members indicated that although they had an overall positive outlook about Manitoba, there was a feeling that more could be done at the provincial government level to improve the economic climate. 

Business always looks to operate and make decisions in a climate of certainty – which provides it with the confidence to make investments in its operations, plans for growth and most importantly its people.

The Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, one of 10 member-driven organizations united as a coalition advocating for #7Pillars of economic growth, believes that growing the Manitoba economy is the top priority for Election 2019. The overriding challenge for the next five years is to diversify our agricultural, manufacturing, resource, financial, and service sectors to strengthen the capacity for export and create jobs. Prudent investments within a climate of confidence and certainty enable growth, leading to more jobs, greater prosperity, and a higher quality of life.

Our coalition strongly encourages political parties to focus on the following seven pillars imperative to Manitoba’s economic growth:

  1. A COMMON ECONOMIC AGENDA: Strengthen the partnership with the private sector to build a stronger economic base and ensure Manitoba remains internationally competitive, providing jobs for a growing population.
  2. INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT: With an improving fiscal capacity, invest in core, community and educational infrastructure to support vibrant, healthy communities connected within the province and to our trading partners.
  3. GLOBAL TRADE: Build Manitoba’s capacity to promote trade and expand our global profile to take full advantage of our potential.
  4. INDIGENOUS ENGAGEMENT: Commit to consistent engagement with the federal government and our Indigenous communities to ensure everyone benefits from a prosperous economy.
  5. PRODUCING, ATTRACTING AND RETAINING TALENT: Commit to working with the business and educational sectors to ensure Manitoba produces, attracts, educates, trains and retains the skilled workforce fundamental to sustaining economic growth, prosperity and healthy communities.
  6. ACCESS TO CAPITAL: Maintain a system for easy and increased access to capital and establish a new framework for venture capital within which both the private and public sectors participate to allow Manitoba businesses to thrive.
  7. ESTABLISH STRONG, SUSTAINABLE FISCAL RELATIONSHIPS: Commit to establishing a modern fiscal framework to ensure provincial and municipal levels deliver their respective obligations to provide services to Manitobans and build strong, mutually supportive communities.

The above principles are supported by the following organizations:

Business Council of Manitoba                        Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters

Manitoba Chambers of Commerce                Manitoba Heavy Construction Association

Manitoba Home Builders’ Association         Manitoba Real Estate Association

Manitoba Trucking Association                      Merit Contractors Association of Manitoba

The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce          Winnipeg Construction Association

It is our collective belief that if political parties focus on these key principles during Election 2019 all Manitobans will benefit.

Chuck Davidson, President & CEO
Manitoba Chambers of Commerce

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