Manitoba NDP Will Keep Life Affordable for Working People and Create Good Jobs

Aug 10, 2023

Today, after committing to not raising taxes and to balancing the budget, Manitoba NDP Leader Wab Kinew stood with workers to lay out how his government would support workers, starting with a commitment to not raise the PST.

“You work hard for your money and you deserve a good job that helps you provide for your family. But Heather Stefanson has made your life less affordable,” said Kinew. “So here’s what we will do and here’s what we won’t do. We will create good jobs for people and help working families with the monthly costs. We won’t raise the PST. We will make your life more affordable.”

Kinew committed to restoring the 1-1 apprentice ratio that Pallister and Stefanson cut, improving health and safety standards and respecting workers. Kinew said his government would also increase the number of apprentices and ensure there are proper standards at job sites and ensure there are local benefits for big projects, so Manitobans get to work.

“Heather Stefanson has made your life harder. She’s raised your Hydro bills, raised your rent and has a surge pricing plan to make you pay more on energy when you need it most. A Manitoba NDP government will change that. We’ll reverse their cuts to training and apprenticeships and put more Manitobans to work with good jobs in the skilled trades.”

“Under the Pallister and Stefanson government, Manitoba construction workers took a back seat,” said Tanya Palson, executive director of Manitoba Building Trades. “Instead of helping the trades professionalize and grow, they banned project labour agreements and cut apprenticeship funding. Wab Kinew’s plan is the new approach we need. It’s a plan that will train more Manitobans in the trades and put them to work building critical infrastructure and growing our economy.”



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