The following is an excerpt from the Summer 2023 MBiz Magazine, published in collaboration with the Winnipeg Free Press.
The breathtaking beauty of the North seems to saturate the soul.
That’s certainly the case when you visit Churchill, named by Time magazine as one of the World’s Greatest Places of 2023.
“It is exciting to see Churchill recognized, especially since there was a focus on the northern lights and beluga whale viewing experiences in Churchill, which are lesser known but equally exceptional as polar bear viewing,” says Alex Cupeiro, marketing and communications co-ordinator for Frontiers North Adventures.
“There has been an increase in interest in travel to Churchill since the designation, especially for our northern lights season, which is perfect timing with an upcoming solar peak in 2025.”
Frontiers North Adventures is a Certified B Corporation tour operator and internationally recognized leader in sustainable adventures in Canada’s North, she adds. The company hosts guests primarily in Churchill to dine beneath the northern lights, sing alongside beluga whales and lock eyes with polar bears. In addition, the bustling business offers meaningfully designed programs for wildlife and culture enthusiasts, photographers and experiential travellers.
“Guests travel from all over the world to come to Churchill to experience the incredible wildlife and witness the dancing aurora borealis. I think people have a perception of the North being barren but have their expectations blown away once they experience how beautiful the subarctic landscape and surrounding area is,” Cupeiro says.
“My own expectations were blown out of the water the first time I went up in the winter to see the aurora borealis in Churchill. The northern lights viewing in Churchill was unlike anything I have experienced at the Winnipeg latitude and blew me away. There is nothing like looking up and watching the northern lights dancing and weaving through the night sky like ribbons right above you.”
While the northern Manitoba community attracts visitors from around the globe, Churchill is also a must-see destination for travellers within our own province.
“We see many Manitobans venturing to Churchill to visit this extraordinary place in their province. Churchill is a top destination in the world — and for us here in Manitoba, it is right in our backyards,” Cupeiro says. “I strongly encourage and invite Manitobans to come and explore this piece of their province that draws attention from all around the world that is right at their fingertips.”
No matter the season, Churchill offers an astounding experience for visitors — whether they’re venturing north for the first time or they’ve returned many times.
“Churchill is a spectacular place offering three distinct and all incredible seasons, from northern lights in the winter months of February and March, beluga whales in the summer months of July and August, and polar bears in the autumn months of October and November,” Cupeiro says.
“We often see guests returning to travel for another season after their first visit. The North has a way of captivating people — and once you start exploring, you won’t want to stop.”
Since Churchill is located in a remote northern community, Cupeiro says guests can enjoy pristine landscapes, uncrowded views and a range of flora and fauna.
“Summer in Churchill is amazing, with beluga whales, stunning landscapes and a wide variety of wildlife,” she adds.
“It offers an excellent opportunity for Manitobans to come up and experience their own backyard in the North.”
To learn more about Frontiers North Adventures, visit or call 204-949-2050 (or 1-800-663-9832 toll-free in North America).
Read the full Summer 2023 MBiz magazine here.