Tell us your “Buy local love story”

Oct 19, 2021

Our #BuyLocalMB campaign/contest is up and running and you could win! Starting Monday, October 18, we’re inviting Manitobans to think local, spend local, and tell the world about our province’s shining star local businesses. Give your favourite local business a shout-out on social media to invest in their future and help them rebuild and recover. And, just by showcasing your local purchase, you could win a $100 Visa prepaid gift card in our weekly draw!

The 3-step contest process is simple and effective – buy, brag, tag:

1) Write a buy local post and share it on your preferred social platform’s feed (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) along with the hashtag “BuyLocalMB”. Be creative: You could take a photo of your special treasure/find, or snap a pic of a retailer’s storefront, your service provider, independent restaurant, an outdoor sign, or just your happy and smiling face, etc. Your local business (or locally-made product or service provider, etc) might be:

  • a romantic date night corner cafe
  • your neighbourhood grocery store
  • amazing steaks from an independent butcher shop or the best imperial cookies you’ve had in your life from the bakery down the block
  • your insurance broker, who has provided you with excellent advice for 30 years
  • a jewellery maker and greeting card designer in your town whose beautiful, unique pieces make great gifts
  • a local supplier you work with as a business owner yourself!

2) Consider tagging 3 friends and challenge them to go local as well.

3) Most importantly, always include the hashtag #BUYLOCALMB in your post so we can track the conversation and award contest prizes. Depending on where you live in Manitoba, you may want to give your home community a special nod by capping off your post with a dual hashtag – for example, #BuyLocalMB #BuyLocalGladstone

MCC will conduct a draw from among all the week’s posts and award one $100 pre-paid Visa gift card to one winner every Monday for 10 weeks, with our first winner to be announced Monday, October 25.

We’re celebrating local buying behaviour with the goal to support a permanent shift to think, buy, and promote local. This initiative connects us all. When you post about your local loves on social, you’re creating a fantastic win-win, while generating a groundswell of support leading up to the all-important holiday gift-giving season. Now get out there and buy, brag, tag!

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