“This is how I choose to make a positive impact on the world!”
Practical Safety Health & Environmental Solutions is an independent consultancy owned by Sharon Inkster, CRSP, HMCT, a HeartMath® certified trainer, dedicated to providing people with effective skills to improve mental health, performance, and resiliency.
Inkster is a Board-Certified Safety Professional (CRSP), a former member of the RCMP, and she is driven by a passion for inspiring people to make positive changes in their lives and in the lives of those around them. Her purpose is to share her knowledge, skills, and experiences with others to help them improve their resilience to life’s challenges.
“It was shortly after I began learning about the HeartMath System that my father mentioned his doctor prescribed a HeartMath course as part of his recovery program following a heart attack. Hearing his enthusiasm about the course, and noticing his progress, inspired me to become certified as a trainer through the HeartMath® Institute.”
HeartMath® is a full self-regulation system and process that includes, tools, technology, and training. The Resilience Advantage™ is a program that provides a practical framework of self-regulation tools, techniques, and resilience-building practices that dramatically help individuals gain more poise and clarity in the face of change and overwhelm. By offering the HeartMath® Institute’s Resilience Advantage™ program, Inkster provides organizations with proven strategies and techniques that measurably improve workplace culture, and reduce incidents, medical claims, absenteeism, and turnover.
Her motivation for sharing HeartMath comes from a constant search to understand depression, as she comes from a family in which three of five members suffer from this disabling condition. Her goal was to find effective ways to help her family members when their prescriptions and therapies fell short.
“I have a passionate connection to HeartMath professionally & personally,” says Inkster, a resident of Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba. “Since learning the science behind stress and how it affects all aspects of our behaviour, I’ve gained amazing insight into developing safety cultures, reducing incidents, and improving mental health in the workplace. The progress I’ve observed in my family members’ personal transformations since learning the HeartMath techniques has well surpassed and been sustainable to any medication or Cognitive Based Therapy they have tried. Seeing progress in my loved ones inspired me so much I began practicing the techniques myself and became a certified trainer so I could share HeartMath with others and work towards improving the statistics on mental health challenges.”
Since learning the science behind how stress affects all aspects of human behaviour, and the physiology of a stress response, Inkster feels that she is taking root cause exploration to a whole new level. By helping organizations understand and improve the mental health of their people, she is working on prevention measures that have a vast impact not only in safety, but in the overall performance of an organization.
For Inkster, the benefit of this work is that it makes individuals and their organizations stronger, and people can take the skills home to their families and communities, making them more resilient as well.
“In the true spirit of being a safety professional, I believe in taking preventative action by providing inspiration, insight and skills to promote mental health and wellness.”
To learn more about Sharon, this company and the services she provides: www.practicalshesolutions.com