Dear valued members,
In light of recent developments in the spread of COVID-19 and the WHOs March 11 proclamation of the virus as a pandemic, the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce Board of Directors has advised us to err on the side of caution with respect to hosting large gatherings. As a result:
- MCC will not host any events for at least a 30-day period effective immediately (up to April 13, 2020 at minimum). We will continue to monitor the ongoing situation and re-evaluate for future events.
- We will cancel our Budget over Breakfast event featuring the Minister of Finance, originally scheduled for March 12, 2020, but postponed due to a delay in the tabling of the budget. If you are a season ticket holder, we will re-allocate this ticket to a future event. If you registered for this MBiz Breakfast Event, we will issue you a refund.
- At this time, we will move forward with the planning of our 2020 Manitoba Economic Summit and 89th annual general meeting, scheduled for May 7-8, 2020, in Winnipeg, with a commitment to continually monitor and assess ongoing conditions.
We will collect reliable resources and tools to support you in taking care of your health and your business, and share them on our website here.
MCCs board and staff believe it is incumbent upon us to carefully assess all risks, and to do our part to help flatten the curve and reduce the spread of COVID-19. We’ve based this difficult decision on information provided by credible sources, and we are implementing recommended best practices in protecting valued employees, our members, and all those with whom we interact throughout Manitoba.
We will continue to monitor the situation over the course of the next 30 days, and re-evaluate our future events plan based on prevailing conditions and expert advice.
Thank you for your understanding, and be well.
Chuck Davidson