While Mother Nature wreaked havoc in Southern Manitoba last week, the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce and our delegation enjoyed warm sun and even warmer people on our latest Economic Development Tour (EDT) to Flin Flon, MB and surrounding region.
Upon arrival to this community that straddles the border of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, our delegation of 19 business and government leaders met with the Mayors of the
City of Flin Flon (Cal Huntley),
Town of Creighton, SK (Bruce Fidler) and the
Village of Denare Beach, SK (Carl Lentowicz), as well as with other community and Chamber leaders, to gain an understanding of the region’s opportunities.
Next up on the agenda was a short bus trip to Denare Beach for a pickerel lunch at the picturesque
Rocky View B&B and a tour of the Pre-Cambrian Wild Rice Plant, operating in the area for more than 30 years. Back on the bus, we toured uptown Flin Flon adorned by banners highlighting the new
Water and the Wild brand that the community has adopted in its efforts to attract tourists. In the evening, delegates enjoyed a reception sponsored by BDC at
Johnny’s Social Club and the
NorVa Centre, showcasing the community’s local arts and culture.
Day Two began with a Flin Flon history lesson, and a tour of the local museum before delegates gathered for a picture with Josiah Flitabattey Flonatin. We even learned his secret, but we promised not to tell. (You’ll have to visit Flin Flon yourself to hear the secret!)
Next up on the agenda was a tour of the
Northern Manitoba Mining Academy, which provides mining and construction-related trades training at the University College of the North facility. Delegates learned about the geology of the area, and even tried their hand at a simulator used to train students in operating underground equipment. Before joining local Rotarians for lunch, delegates enjoyed a tour of the iconic
Whitney Forum, the arena home to famed farm team, the Flin Flon Bombers for the past 60 years, and a virtual hockey museum.
Delegates then sat down with Richard Trudeau of HudBay Minerals Inc – the area’s main employer for the past 90 years – for an overview of the future of the mining company, with the Flin Flon site expected to reach its end of life in 2022. Trudeau indicated that increased development in the Snow Lake area will help with employment in the North.
Our final tour before returning to Winnipeg was of
Bakers Narrow Provincial Park and the Lodge and Conference Centre which sits on the shores of Lake Athapapuskow, home to world record sport fishing.
Thank you to all our delegates for your participation in this latest EDT (our fourth of 6 planned tours), and to our gracious hosts, the Flin Flon & District Chamber of Commerce, for another excellent northern adventure.
Interested in participating in a future EDT?
Click here to see what’s next on the roster.
Economic Development Tours are an initiative of the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce supported through the Churchill Regional Economic Development Fund by Western Economic Diversification, Community Futures Manitoba, the Province of Manitoba, BDC, and Calm Air (the official airline of the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce).