Thank you for joining us for our 2024 Deputy Ministers’ Dinner!
To view table guests and special dignitaries who will be seated with you during the course of the evening, click on your assigned table number below (you may also wish to click through other tables to view all attending guests).
Please be advised that only one dignitary will be at your table at a time. The dignitaries are listed in the order that they will be seated at your table: salad course, dinner course, dessert course.
Guest information below is accurate as of November 8, 2024 at 2:00PM.
Table 1
Manitoba Heavy Construction Association | Catherine Mitchell |
Air Canada | Chris Isford |
Travel Manitoba | Colin Ferguson |
Manitoba Real Estate Association | David Salvatore |
CAA Manitoba | Ewald Friesen |
Mechanical Contractors Association of Manitoba | Julien LaFleche |
Miller Environmental Corp. | Ryan Hardy |
Manitoba Real Estate Association | Stewart Elston |
Manitoba Heavy Construction Association | Tina Larson |
Deputy Minister, Transportation & Infrastructure | Ryan Klos |
Deputy Minister, Finance and Acting Deputy Minister, Intergovernmental Affairs | Silvester Komlodi |
Deputy Minister, Housing, Addictions & Homelessness | Catherine Gates |
Table 2
Travel Manitoba | Angela Cassie |
MITT | Beverlie Stuart |
Manitoba Heavy Construction Association | Chris Lorenc |
RRC Polytech | Conor Lloyd |
Manitoba Heavy Construction Association | Dennis Cruise |
Tundra Oil & Gas Limited | Jane Mactaggart |
Valley Fiber | Joe Mack |
The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce | Loren Remillard |
Air Canada | Serge Corbeil |
Clerk of the Executive Council & Cabinet Secretary | Sarah Thiele |
Deputy Minister, Transportation & Infrastructure | Ryan Klos |
Deputy Minister, Finance and Acting Deputy Minister, Intergovernmental Affairs | Silvester Komlodi |
Table 3
CentrePort Canada | Carly Edmundson |
Manitoba Chambers of Commerce | Chuck Davidson |
Éco-Ouest Canada | Eco-West Canada | Dany Robidoux |
Miller Environmental Corp. | Dave Howes |
Manitoba Environmental Industries Association | Jack Winram |
Tundra Oil & Gas Limited | Kristin Rennie |
University of Manitoba | Mario Pinto |
Miller Environmental Corp. | Paul Bauer |
PCL Constructors Canada | Scott McCulloch |
Assistant Deputy Minister, Environment & Climate Change | Elliott Brown |
Clerk of the Executive Council & Cabinet Secretary | Sarah Thiele |
Deputy Minister, Transportation & Infrastructure | Ryan Klos |
Table 4
Women’s Enterprise Organizations of Canada | Alison Kirkland |
Brandon University | David Docherty |
Research Manitoba | Jennifer Cleary |
Canadian Beverage Container Recycling Association | Ken Friesen |
Westcap | Lee Jebb |
University of Manitoba | Lynette Magnus |
University of Manitoba | Michael Benarroch |
CentrePort Canada | Shreeraj Patel |
North Forge Technology Exchange | Whitney Moir |
Deputy Minister, Advanced Education & Training | Jan Forster |
Assistant Deputy Minister, Environment & Climate Change | Elliott Brown |
Clerk of the Executive Council & Cabinet Secretary | Sarah Thiele |
Table 5
Canadian Beverage Container Recycling Association | Adrian Vannahme |
The University of Winnipeg | Daniel Leonard |
University College of the North | Doug Lauvstad |
Research Manitoba | Elizabeth Lylyk |
Chadwick Consulting Ltd. | Jamie Dumont |
TC Energy | Jared Etcheverry |
University of Winnipeg Foundation | Javier Schwersensky |
WSP Canada Inc. | Patrick Campbell |
Miller Environmental Corp. | Yolo Ortiz |
Deputy Minister, Indigenous Reconciliation | Ainsley Krone |
Deputy Minister, Advanced Education & Training | Jan Forster |
Assistant Deputy Minister, Environment & Climate Change | Elliott Brown |
Table 6
The University of Winnipeg | Danielle Dunbar |
RRC Polytech | Emily Doer |
Waterford Global Inc. | Fred Loewen |
RRC Polytech | Jolen Galaugher |
Doctors Manitoba | Keir Johnson |
Calm Air International | Michel LaRiviere |
Brandon University | Peter Hickey |
Mobile Vision Care Clinic Inc. | Sean Sylvestre |
Doctors Manitoba | Theresa Oswald |
Deputy Minister, Health, Seniors & Long-term Care | Scott Sinclair |
Deputy Minister, Indigenous Reconciliation | Ainsley Krone |
Deputy Minister, Advanced Education & Training | Jan Forster |
Table 7
University of Manitoba | Angie Bruce |
Vale Base Metals | Ciara Talbot |
University of Manitoba | David Keto |
Manitoba Mineral Development Fund | Edward Suzuki |
Miller Environmental Corp. | Joel Carlson |
PCL Constructors Canada | Kristjan Sackney |
Manitoba Real Estate Association | Mardi McNicholl |
Economic Development Winnipeg | Ryan Kuffner |
Dynacare | Sebastien Beauchamp |
Deputy Minister, Economic Development, Investment, Trade & Natural Resources | Dana Rudy |
Deputy Minister, Health, Seniors & Long-term Care | Scott Sinclair |
Deputy Minister, Indigenous Reconciliation | Ainsley Krone |
Table 8
Tundra Oil & Gas Limited | Amber Sheshka |
The Munro Group of Companies | Colleen Munro |
Tundra Oil & Gas Limited | David McGuiness |
Manitoba Chambers of Commerce | Elisabeth Saftiuk |
Workplace Education Manitoba | Kara Finney |
Waterford Global Inc. | Karen Swystun |
Carman & Community Chamber of Commerce | Marni Harrison |
Manitoba Start | Medina Puskar |
Calm Air International | Tara Elder-Young |
Special Dignitary; Executive Director, Apprenticeship Manitoba | Meghan Lavallee |
Deputy Minister, Economic Development, Investment, Trade & Natural Resources | Dana Rudy |
Deputy Minister, Health, Seniors & Long-term Care | Scott Sinclair |
Table 9
TC Energy | Bob Boyce |
Bockstael Construction | Dan Bockstael |
Longview Communications | Jeremy Sawatzky |
Manitoba Heavy Construction Association | John Highmoor |
PCL Constructors Canada | Josh Girman |
Manitoba Real Estate Association | Kim Gandier |
Manitoba Heavy Construction Association | Richard Wilson |
Fort Garry Fire Trucks Ltd. | Robert Pike |
Vale Base Metals | Stacy Kennedy |
Deputy Minister, Municipal & Northern Relations and Deputy Minister, Indigenous Economic Development | Bruce Gray |
Special Dignitary; Executive Director, Apprenticeship Manitoba | Meghan Lavallee |
Deputy Minister, Economic Development, Investment, Trade & Natural Resources | Dana Rudy |
Table 10
Keystone Agricultural Producers | Colin Hornby |
First Peoples Economic Growth Fund Inc. | Fabian Sanderson |
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba | Jacob Stephens |
Carman & Community Chamber of Commerce | Jodi Winkler |
University College of the North | Kristi Cummings |
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba | Kristy-Layne Carr |
Rural Manitoba Economic Development Corp. | Margot Cathcart |
Assiniboine College | Mark Frison |
Peak of the Market Ltd. | Pamela Kolochuk |
Deputy Minister, Agriculture | Brenda DeSerranno |
Deputy Minister, Municipal & Northern Relations and Deputy Minister, Indigenous Economic Development | Bruce Gray |
Special Dignitary; Executive Director, Apprenticeship Manitoba | Meghan Lavallee |
Table 11
Manitoba Chambers of Commerce | Brent Hutton |
Heavy Equipment & Aggregate Truckers Association of Manitoba Inc. (H.E.A.T. Inc.) | Bruce Henley |
Manitoba Pork Council | Cam Dahl |
Manitoba Canola Growers Association | Delaney Ross Burtnack |
Steinbach Economic Development Corp. | Henry Nickel |
Keystone Agricultural Producers | Jill Verwey |
6P Marketing | Paul Provost |
Career Trek Inc. | Rhonda Taylor |
Manitoba Pork Council | Rick Prejet |
Deputy Minister, Justice & Deputy Attorney General | Jeremy Akerstream |
Deputy Minister, Agriculture | Brenda DeSerranno |
Deputy Minister, Municipal & Northern Relations and Deputy Minister, Indigenous Economic Development | Bruce Gray |
Table 12
Economic Development Brandon | Gerald Cathcart |
Heavy Equipment & Aggregate Truckers Association of Manitoba Inc. (H.E.A.T. Inc.) | Gord Bragg |
Manitoba Pork Council | Grant Melnychuk |
Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP (TDS Law) | Jonathan Woolley |
Lazy Bear Expeditions | Josh Okello |
University of Manitoba | Naomi Andrew |
Manitoba Pork Council | Scott Peters |
CN | Stephen Pratte |
Manitoba Canola Growers Association | Warren Ellis |
Deputy Minister, Labour & Immigration | Bernadette Preun |
Deputy Minister, Justice & Deputy Attorney General | Jeremy Akerstream |
Deputy Minister, Agriculture | Brenda DeSerranno |
Table 13
Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP (TDS Law) | Art Stacey |
Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba | C. Scott Sarna |
Manitoba International Pharmacists Association | Curtis Unfried |
Brandon Chamber of Commerce | Emelio Brown |
Manitoba International Pharmacists Association | Jordan Jones |
TC Energy | Lane Boucher |
RM of Sifton | Rachelle Stannage |
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters Manitoba | Terry Shaw |
Lazy Bear Expeditions | Walter Daudrich |
Assistant Deputy Minister, Economic Development, Investment, Trade & Natural Resources | Jana Schott |
Deputy Minister, Labour & Immigration | Bernadette Preun |
Deputy Minister, Justice & Deputy Attorney General | Jeremy Akerstream |
Table 14
Manitoba Green Advantage | Christa Rust |
Electrical Contractors Association of Manitoba (ECAM) | Dave Cook |
VJ Berscheid Ltd | Jim Berscheid |
North Forge Technology Exchange | Joelle Foster |
CPHR Manitoba | Laura Haines-Morrissette |
Brandon Chamber of Commerce | Lois Ruston |
CDEM (Economic Development Council for Manitoba Bilingual Municipalities) | Madeleine Arbez |
MITT | Neil Cooke |
North Forge Technology Exchange | Nermin Sa’d |
Secretary to the Treasury Board | Ann Ulusoy |
Assistant Deputy Minister, Economic Development, Investment, Trade & Natural Resources | Jana Schott |
Deputy Minister, Labour & Immigration | Bernadette Preun |
Table 15
Economic Development Winnipeg | Amanda Macdonald |
Scatliff + Miller + Murray | Bob Somers |
Valley Fiber | Conley Kehler |
Fort Garry Fire Trucks Ltd. | Jim Peters |
World Trade Centre Winnipeg | Paul Carrière |
Electrical Contractors Association of Manitoba (ECAM) | Ramona Coey |
Imaginet Resources Corp. | Rod Giesbrecht |
CPHR Manitoba | Ron Gauthier |
CAA Manitoba | Tish Best |
Deputy Minister, Consumer Protection & Government Services | Joseph Dunford |
Secretary to the Treasury Board | Ann Ulusoy |
Assistant Deputy Minister, Economic Development, Investment, Trade & Natural Resources | Jana Schott |
Table 16
Lafarge Canada Inc. | Greg Suderman |
Norway House Cree Nation | Jonathan Fleury |
Rogers Communications Canada | Kristen Balcain |
Credit Union Central of Manitoba | Louise Smith |
The Winnipeg Foundation | Mary Beth Taylor |
United Way of Winnipeg | Michael Richardson |
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP | Robert Reimer |
Harvest Manitoba | Vince Barletta |
Acting Deputy Minister, Families | Heidi Wurmann |
Deputy Minister, Consumer Protection & Government Services | Joseph Dunford |
Secretary to the Treasury Board | Ann Ulusoy |
Table 17
Deloitte | Charlene Paquin |
YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg | Cordella Friesen |
University of Winnipeg Foundation | Dallas Goulden |
Assiniboine College | Derrick Turner |
Deloitte | Jason Treloar |
New Directions for Children, Youth, Adults & Families Inc. | Jennifer Frain |
Manitoba Council for International Education Inc. / Le Conseil d’éducation internationale du Manitoba Inc. | Robert Daudet |
Lafarge Canada Inc. | Walter Meadus |
Deputy Minister, Education & Early Childhood Learning | Brian O’Leary |
Acting Deputy Minister, Families | Heidi Wurmann |
Deputy Minister, Consumer Protection & Government Services | Joseph Dunford |
Table 18
Manitoba Council for International Education Inc. / Le Conseil d’éducation internationale du Manitoba Inc. | Cheryl Prokopanko |
MITT | Jana Thorsteinson |
Simaril Inc. | Jeff Daly |
Counsel Public Affairs Inc. | Jodee Mason |
Counsel Public Affairs Inc. | Logan Ross |
Genome Prairie | Mike Cey |
Sigfusson Northern | Sean Campbell |
Sigfusson Northern | Sean Campbell Guest |
Robertson College | Terena Caryk |
Associate Deputy Minister of Health, Seniors, and Long-Term Care | Suzanne Gervais |
Deputy Minister, Education & Early Childhood Learning | Brian O’Leary |
Acting Deputy Minister, Families | Heidi Wurmann |
Table 19
KPMG LLP | Andrew Behnka |
Western Retail Lumber Association | Chris Allinotte |
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP | George Irwin |
Leger | Llisa Morrow |
Stantec | Mackenzie Swope |
Education Canada Group | Paul Holden |
New Directions for Children, Youth, Adults & Families Inc. | Sarah-Jane Marquez-Hicks |
Prairie Sky Strategy | Tara Bingham |
Acting Public Service Commissioner | Jocelyn Baker |
Associate Deputy Minister of Health, Seniors, and Long-Term Care | Suzanne Gervais |
Deputy Minister, Education & Early Childhood Learning | Brian O’Leary |
Table 19
KPMG LLP | Andrew Behnka |
Western Retail Lumber Association | Chris Allinotte |
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP | George Irwin |
Leger | Llisa Morrow |
Stantec | Mackenzie Swope |
Education Canada Group | Paul Holden |
New Directions for Children, Youth, Adults & Families Inc. | Sarah-Jane Marquez-Hicks |
Prairie Sky Strategy | Tara Bingham |
Acting Public Service Commissioner | Jocelyn Baker |
Associate Deputy Minister of Health, Seniors, and Long-Term Care | Suzanne Gervais |
Deputy Minister, Education & Early Childhood Learning | Brian O’Leary |
Table 20
New Media Manitoba | Dan Blair |
Indigenous Tourism Manitoba | Doreen Booth |
RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg | Drew Fisher |
Rogers Communications Canada | Jeff Neville |
Association of Manitoba Bilingual Municipalities (AMBM) | Justin Johnson |
Rogers Communications Canada | Karen Holden |
Manitoba Chambers of Commerce | Kay Gardiner |
RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg | Matthew Wedlake |
KPMG LLP | Ross Homeniuk |
Deputy Minister, Sport, Culture, Heritage & Tourism | Jeff Hnatiuk |
Acting Public Service Commissioner | Jocelyn Baker |
Associate Deputy Minister of Health, Seniors, and Long-Term Care | Suzanne Gervais |
Table 21
World Trade Centre Winnipeg | André Brin |
Assiniboine Park Conservancy Inc. | Archie Pronger |
Indigenous Tourism Manitoba | Holly Courchene |
New Media Manitoba | Louis Ghiz |
Blueprint Inc. | Michelle Kuly |
Assiniboine Park Conservancy Inc. | Ray Karasevich |
Southport Aerospace Centre | Ted Vandenberg |
Steinbach Chamber of Commerce | Tessa Masi |
Clear Secure | Vince Kroker |
Assistant Deputy Minister, Workforce Development | Michelle Wallace |
Deputy Minister, Sport, Culture, Heritage & Tourism | Jeff Hnatiuk |
Acting Public Service Commissioner | Jocelyn Baker |
Table 22
Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba | Anju Bajaj |
PCL Constructors Canada | David Van Hooren |
Steinbach Chamber of Commerce | Eugene Warwaruk |
Cornerstone Timberframes Inc. | Gary Snider |
Delta Hotel | Jacques Lavergne |
Welcome Place (Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council Inc.) | Merdia Imame |
Manitoba Hotel Association | Michael Juce |
Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba | Rita Chahal |
Credit Union Central of Manitoba | Sukhi Jandu |
Deputy Minister, Housing, Addictions & Homelessness | Catherine Gates |
Assistant Deputy Minister, Workforce Development | Michelle Wallace |
Deputy Minister, Sport, Culture, Heritage & Tourism | Jeff Hnatiuk |
Table 23
Southport Aerospace Centre | Colby Orchard |
Frontiers North Adventures | John Gunter |
RRC Polytech | Kelly McCrae |
Cornerstone Timberframes Inc. | Nevin Bachmeier |
Manitoba Green Advantage | Sarah Duval |
Mechanical Contractors Association of Manitoba | Scott Hammond |
Welcome Place (Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council Inc.) | Shane Henderson |
The Winnipeg Foundation | Jennifer Litchfield |
Chadwick Consulting Ltd. | Tom Garrett |
Deputy Minister, Finance and Acting Deputy Minister, Intergovernmental Affairs | Silvester Komlodi |
Deputy Minister, Housing, Addictions & Homelessness | Catherine Gates |
Assistant Deputy Minister, Workforce Development | Michelle Wallace |